Board of Directors for 2025
Our board represents a cross-section of our community and has a passion for our organization and those we serve. The members work hard to ensure long-term sustainability of the organization and oversee that the funds raised directly affect those in need.
Martha Hunt, Chair
Nancy Fleming, Vice Chair
Doris Krain, Secretary
Mike Watts, Treasurer
Connie Wardell, Member at Large
Rev. Ben Kane, Ex Officio
Chuck Chappell
Quantia "Key" Fletcher
Pat Goss
Kristen Lippencott
June Lloyd
Beverly Milford
Marvin Schwartz
Sheri Simon
Laura Spradley
Mike Walden
Our Staff
Our staff has a strong commitment to serving the many volunteers and members of our organization. Click names to email staff person.
Leah Greenfield, Executive Director
In 2024, I completed my ninth year at LifeQuest, the third as Executive Director. Observing LifeQuest members come together, whether in person or online, to engage in lifelong learning classes, embark on travels, dance, perform, share meals, and connect is an absolute joy! Enriching this journey are incredible partnerships with an impressive group of congregations, sponsors, and educational partners, and the steadfast support from an active board of directors and volunteers. I am privileged to work with an incredible team and remain grateful for the opportunity to contribute with them to the thriving community that is LifeQuest.
Gina Bridges, Program Director
My adventure with LifeQuest began in 2016. I am lucky to work with staff and instructors who have a passion for lifelong learning…everyday is an adventure! I love seeing members excited about the wide variety of classes and making new friends. I’m very grateful to Second Presbyterian for hosting LifeQuest and for their wonderful staff who help our in-person program thrive and run smoothly. I’m also grateful for our LifeQuesters learning how to navigate classes online – an adventure unto itself!
Donna Elkey, Program & Volunteer Coordinator
I started with LifeQuest as a shuttle driver in 2018 and am now the Program and Volunteer Coordinator. This means I have the pleasure of working with our incredible volunteers who make all the magic happen. It is rare to find a volunteer assignment that does not feel like spending time with friends, and this is exactly what I have at LifeQuest. When not working on coordinating the various ways our members volunteer, I can be found roaming the halls helping out in classrooms, at my desk creating the quarterly brochures for the upcoming terms, and a myriad of other engaging tasks. There is no end to the fun that is my job!
Heather Thompson, Business Manager
I still tell people that I’m new to LifeQuest, but I started working as Business Manager in January of 2021. I guess time flies when you’re having fun, and LifeQuest is so fun! The staff, volunteers and members continue to amaze me with their thirst for knowledge and dedication to the organization. As Business Manager, I oversee business operations and work hard to keep us on budget. I look forward to many more years of helping LifeQuest and its members thrive.